
  • OpenUTD Coding night

    Our next Coding Night is this Friday, December 15, starting at 7:00pm at the UTDesign Makerspace. Pizza will be available an hour after the starting time. Come enjoy an evening of hanging out and working on homework and personal projects.

  • OpenUTD Coding night

    Our next Coding Night is this Friday, December 1, starting at 7:00pm at ECSW 1.355. Pizza will be available an hour after the starting time. Come enjoy an evening of hanging out and working on homework and personal projects.

  • OpenUTD Fall Kick-off

    OpenUTD is a student organization dedicated to the use, development, and appreciation of open-source software. We are a community of programmers, Linux users, tech enthusiasts, and proponents of digital security and privacy. Come join us to learn more about our club and open-source software (there will be pizza)! Bring your laptop and a flash drive if you’d like our guidance...